How to Design a Beautiful Section Break Slide in PowerPoint

Designing a section break slide is pretty easy; heck, you can even argue that designing a beautiful one isn’t all that hard. But when you’re asked to design a beautiful section break slide solely based on the instructions given to you? That’s when things get really difficult.

Let’s Play a Game

This week’s PowerPoint tutorial features One Skill, the great PowerPoint wizard who dedicates his free time teaching people just like you to design absolutely breath-taking slides.

Him and I got talking and decided to collaborate on a PowerPoint tutorial together. The goal was for us to find a way to create an absolutely stunning section break slide and highlight how we did it, every step of the way.

We wanted this tutorial to be as interactive as possible so we decided to play a little game. The rules are simple: One Skill has to be my eyes, and I have to be his hands. In other words, it was One Skill’s role to tell me exactly what to design. I would then take his instructions and design a section break slide based on his requirements. The whole design process is captured in real-time, and you can even witness our friendly banter.

A Beautiful Section Break Slide in PowerPoint

The end result is spectacular, wouldn’t you agree?

Full discloser: this isn’t Slide Cow’s first rodeo with One Skill. We created epic slides together, and will probably continue to do so for a while.

Make Your Section Break Slide Interactive

The idea of turning one’s instructions into ‘good PowerPoint design’ is to get a feel of what goes on in the real world. Let’s face it: everyone has something to say about your work. This is especially true in PowerPoint, because anyone can instantly process exactly what you’ve done within a few seconds. It’s therefore important for you to tailor your skillset to the needs of the people that are involved. In my case, One Skill’s satisfaction was my priority. I even started to suggest things to make the slide look better. In your case, it could be different, but the idea still holds merit: you have to balance your technique with the requirements of those who matter.

Need Something to Use Right Now?

If you’re looking for a beautiful section break slide that you can use right now, then check out the Strive PowerPoint template. It’s a multi-purpose PowerPoint template with 94 gorgoeus slides and 360 beautiful line icons. Oh, and it’s 100% editable.

What do you think?

Do you enjoy tutorials like these? Would you like to see One Skill on Slide Cow again soon? Let me know by dropping a line below.

Yousef "Yoyo" Abu Ghaidah

Yousef "Yoyo" Abu Ghaidah

Yousef "Yoyo" Abu Ghaidah is a PowerPoint ninja that founded Slide Cow, a learning platform for all things PowerPoint, presentations and public speaking. When he's not designing slides or giving presentations, he's on another coffee run.
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