What’s Exactly in Store for Slide Cow in 2019?

I’ve been receiving loads of emails asking why Slide Cow hasn’t “been around much.” So I thought this would be a good time to update you on all on what’s currently going on.

And no, there is nothing negative in this post. Everything you’re about to read is 100% positive.

So, without further ado, here are Slide Cow’s latest updates. I’m also going to give you a taste of what’s to come.

New Team Members

This one’s what I’m most excited about.

Slide Cow finally has a team! It’s no longer a one-man show! Woohoo!

The team is now made up of:

  • Yoyo, (that’s me!) the Chief Excitement Officer
  • Raj, the Chief Storyteller. Raj is going to handle Slide Cow’s marketing, technical shenanigans, and story-telling work.
  • Agus and Raditya, Slide Cow’s new Design Wizards. These guys design absolutely KILLER slides, and I couldn’t be happier that I found them.

They’re eager to meet you all very soon!

Our Latest Pivot

Slide Cow first started off as a YouTube channel showing people how to make awesome PowerPoint slides through free and engaging video guides.

We then created a platform to centralize all our video guides and blog posts.

After that, we started selling a few products — many of which are PowerPoint templates.

And now?

Slide Cow is being restructured to become a full-on presentation design agency.

Yes! We’re going to design beautiful stories for clients all over the world. We’ve already been doing this off the record for quite a few weeks, and our clients are really happy with the results they’ve received so far.

We’re currently getting everything in place until we can really go public with this, which should be very soon.

A Redesigned Website

My biggest pet peeve with the Slide Cow website is that it looks a little too condensed. 

But with the new direction we’re taking, we thought it would be a good idea to clean things up and make things look good.

And by good, I mean really good. Here’s a quick layout of what we’re thinking about:

We’re still working and refining through this, and extending the theme over to other pages of the website. But so far, so good.

A New Product

Just because we’re pivoting doesn’t mean we’re suddenly going to stop selling quality products. We’ve gotten over 500 unique customers for our PowerPoint templates in just 12 months.The Reem PowerPoint Template is our best seller (just like I said it will be!)

Slide Cow’s next product is going to be pretty cool, and I think there’s a good amount of demand for it, too.

What is this new product, you ask?

Two words: Curriculum Vitaes (CVs).

Yes, we’re calling our next product See Me CVs. We’re packaging five different designs into one affordable package for you to update your CV.

And yes, we designed these CVs in PowerPoint, meaning they are REALLY easy to edit.

The reason? I got fed up with the amount of crappy Word CV templates on the internet right now. PowerPoint makes things easy, so we’re going to stick to that.

Here’s a sneak peak to one of our five designs:

And yes, we also have cover letters to match each CV design, too.

Remember, we have four more designs to show you.

The See Me CV project is expected go live within a month or two, so be ready!

New Tutorials

No, we didn’t stop making tutorials.

In fact, we just finished recording one. It’s currently in the editing phase, and should be out next week.

Excited? You should be!

Changing The Game

I made clear that 2019 is going to be Slide Cow’s year. And so far, everything seems to be pointing in that direction.

We’re constantly looking to grow, innovate, and change the way we communicate – one slide at a time.

Thank you all for your support; we couldn’t have gotten here without you. Here’s to an awesome year of success — for all of us.

Yousef "Yoyo" Abu Ghaidah

Yousef "Yoyo" Abu Ghaidah

Yousef "Yoyo" Abu Ghaidah is a PowerPoint ninja that founded Slide Cow, a learning platform for all things PowerPoint, presentations and public speaking. When he's not designing slides or giving presentations, he's on another coffee run.
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