How to Make an Awesome Front Cover for your Powerpoint Presentation / Deck

This video is a Slide Cow PowerPoint tutorial that will teach you how to make a front cover or slide that your boss, colleagues and clients will fall in love with.

"So what? It's just a front cover."

Just a front cover, you say?

Front Covers Are Everything!

Hate to break it to you, but for various reasons (including how we are wired to process images faster than text), we really do judge books by their covers.

A well designed front cover is absolutely essential these days. Don't forget that you are trying your absolute best to capture your audience's attention from the very beginning.

Don't forget that you're doing your best to sell your message.

Whether its in report or presentation form, the front cover is the first thing your audience will see; it's basically a first impression of you, and we all know how hard it is to reverse or undo a first impression.

I mean, it only makes sense, right?

The goal here is to get your audience to look at your front cover and go "wow, this looks fantastic! I bet this PowerPoint presentation / deck will look equally as awesome! I can't wait to go through it" and "oh, look, another PowerPoint presentation."


How To Make a Killer Front Cover in PowerPoint

And hey, if you can't use the techniques in this video because your company has strict guidelines on how a front cover should look like, don't worry. Just pay attention to the techniques and principles in this video, and apply them in your slides later down the line.

The Setup

In this video, you'll learn:

  • How to get a high quality, high resolution stock photo (FOR FREE!)
  • How to add transparency to your PowerPoint slide
  • How to play around with text boxes
  • How to easily align things to make them just perfect
  • How to use with shapes and lines.

Have fun!


Yousef "Yoyo" Abu Ghaidah

Yousef "Yoyo" Abu Ghaidah

Yousef "Yoyo" Abu Ghaidah is a PowerPoint ninja that founded Slide Cow, a learning platform for all things PowerPoint, presentations and public speaking. When he's not designing slides or giving presentations, he's on another coffee run.
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