How to Easily Create A Fancy Paint Splatter Effect for Your Pictures on PowerPoint

I’ve been getting loads of emails asking me how one can design a slide with loads of textual information on it. Well, here’s a cure with an artistic touch. We’re going to create our very own paint splatter effect for your pictures on PowerPoint, which will compliment your text.

A paint splatter effect? Why?

Yes, you read right!

Sometimes the simplest of designs are often the most effective. In this case, the paint splatter effect shown above just does that. We have the ability to portray our picture in a beautiful way, while still holding dearly to the information we want to convey to our audience. The key here is to notice that the above slide only has one design element, and it is not a business model.

Why do you believe this slide is so effective?

Two things.

First, the white space. As you can see, we position our text to the right of the slide, and we keep it there. There is nothing connected to it. Instead, we have large amounts of padding around the text block so that the audience can focus solely on the message you want to get across without any distraction. By the way, Slide Cow has made a video on white space that you can check out right here.

Secondly, the choice of image in the paint splatter technique. As the saying goes, a picture speaks 1000 words. If you choose the right picture, your audience will have an idea of how to connect the information to the picture. This will, in turn, make your information memorable.

The goal is to make your audience acknowledge the picture first, then move to the information and stay there. The image is not meant to be the keystone to the slide, it is only there to help make your slide memorable.

But a paint splatter technique doesn’t fit with theme of my slides

No problem, just take the principles shown to you in the video and apply them to any shapes that you want.

What are we going to learn in this video

In this video, you’ll learn how to:

  • Get a perfect high resolution image (for free) for your PowerPoint slide
  • Learn how to turn text into PowerPoint objects
  • Learn how to crop images into PowerPoint shapes to get the perfect shape(s)
  • Learn how to utilize white space effectively on PowerPoint
Websites used in this tutorial
  • Font Squirrel – go here to download the font you need for the paint splatter effect
  • Visual Hunt – go here to get free high resolution stock images (please be aware of the licenses)

Have fun with this one!

Yousef "Yoyo" Abu Ghaidah

Yousef "Yoyo" Abu Ghaidah

Yousef "Yoyo" Abu Ghaidah is a PowerPoint ninja that founded Slide Cow, a learning platform for all things PowerPoint, presentations and public speaking. When he's not designing slides or giving presentations, he's on another coffee run.
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