Although PowerPoint is an extremely important tool for most of us, it can get really annoying spending a lot of time making PowerPoint slides.
The good news is that as you progress with PowerPoint you get more acquainted with some of the hotkeys and features.
The bad news is you really need to dig around the internet to know every hotkey and feature.
So, in an effort to make your lives easier (and make sure you leave work on time), I've made a video which shows you 5 PowerPoint tips that will help save you time when making your slides.
5 Tips That'll Save You Time In PowerPoint
#1 Align Stuff Like a Pro
This might be common knowledge for some, but a lot of people don't know this feature exists yet.
Stop trying to manually adjust your shapes, text boxes, and other stuff on your slide to make them all look perfectly aligned!
You can align them (both vertically and horizontally) within seconds!
#2 Use Format Painter Like a Boss
99.7% of us know what Format Painter is.
Oddly enough, not enough people know that you can use it across multiple slides!
?The video will illustrate a PowerPoint tip to show you how.
#3 Add More Information Quickly
The amount of times I've seen someone add something new to their slide and then format it to keep it in line with the rest haunts me!
Did you know you could just copy and paste a previous element that you've worked on and edit it?
Did you know there are ways to copy and paste previous elements to ensure perfect positioning?
?Watch the video to find out.
#4 Undo More Things
Just because I'm a PowerPoint expert does not mean I don't make mistakes. I make mistakes all the time.
That's exactly why I want to show you guys how to increase the number number of undos you can make on your PowerPoint Software. More chances for everyone. Yay!
#5 Copy and Paste ... and Stuff
Copying and pasting is probably, and I mean this, the handiest feature of PowerPoint (or anything, really).
There's this one nifty feature in PowerPoint that involves copying and pasting, and you might want to watch the video to find out what it is.